YouTube's Rewind turn down for 2014 is a very creative ,fun and funny video.The music mix is amazing ,the different songs being mixed up together is great.And it sums up 2014 in so many scenes,there is also even the ice bucket challenge representation in the video.And the singers are so amazing.This video is great and amust watch.
Welcome beautiful people to this Lifestyle Blog about everything under the sun from reviews,fashion ,beauty,music,movies ,the society,inspiration,spirituality ,entertainment,popculture,food,health to all types of relationships.The list can be endless.I hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoy blogging.My aim is to inspire,enlighten,entertain anyway i can. Life is good,smile and breath easy 😘. Love and spread love and light.
Thursday, 18 December 2014
YouTube Rewind: Turn Down for 2014
YouTube's Rewind turn down for 2014 is a very creative ,fun and funny video.The music mix is amazing ,the different songs being mixed up together is great.And it sums up 2014 in so many scenes,there is also even the ice bucket challenge representation in the video.And the singers are so amazing.This video is great and amust watch.
Meghan Trainor - Lips Are Movin
Meghan Trainor is a gem.She has an amazing voice which is so strong.She has a nice retro feel from her voice to songs.Her songs are very catchy and the first time i heard Meghan trainer i really loved her.
Meghan trainers lips are moving is a great song and the video is fun and interesting and funny and more so funny.
Taylor Swift - Blank Space
Taylor Swifts blank space is yet another amazing song by Taylor Swift ,i love the way she plays around with words.This is yet another real life incredible love song by Taylor.She is taking a very funny but rather blunt approach to introducing herself to a new prospective love.I love these lines and lots more.
"I could show you incredible things Magic, madness, heaven, sin Saw you there and I thought oh my god Look at that face, you look like my next mistake Love's a game, wanna play New money, suit and tie I can read you like a magazine Ain't it funny rumors fly And I know you heard about me So hey, let's be friends I'm dying to see how this one ends Grab your passport and my hand I could make the bad guys good for a weekend...........,
Beyoncé - 7/11
Beyonce's 7/11 is yet another fabulous hit from beyonce.I like how it is a fun and funny video and the song is also the same.
This is a great video and song and it went viral and it deserves to.The dancing in this video is fun and good.It is great to see Beyonce having fun with her girls.
How To Sing Like Your Favorite Artists
How to sing like your favorite artists is a very funny video but it tells the truth on how to sing like your favourite singer.Though the guy in the video is making jokes, he is making sense about the artists he speaks about.He talks of your favourite rnb artist to your favourite hiphop artist to your favourite country singer.Though he is taking a very funny approach to how they sound his description is spot on.
Friday, 12 December 2014
Melody Mining - How To Write Melodies Out of Thin Air
Melody mining is incredible,writing music or coming with melodies is like magic.But it takes skill and this approach on how to write melodies out of thin air is great ,incredible and very helpful to lyric writers and word smiths who struggle with melodies.
This approach to coming up with melodies is very simple and not too hard.This approach is finding melodies in the way someone talks and it is not in simple talking but it is in passionate talking.This approach will make your songs sound like someone is talking which is also a great way of coming up with melodies,musical notes and music in general.
As a lyric writer who has struggled for long with melodies and was at some point not even able to come up with a melody to save my life.This is heaven sent and quiet an eye opener.Song writing just become alot easier with Melody mining.
Sunday, 7 December 2014
PaySpree: An Affiliate Network That Pays Instant Commission On Every Product
If you sell digital products online you are no doubt aware of the two most popular affiliate networks, ClickBank and PayDotCom.
While both of these are great and I highly recommend each of them, today I came across a brand new service that really caught my attention. It's called PaySpree and the reason it caught my attention is that ALL its members get paid for their sales instantly. And they can choose whether to be paid by PayPal, AlertPay or Credit Card.
Even affiliates get paid for their referred sales instantly.
I expect it to become quite a hit as the lure of 'instant commissions' played a big part in the massive success of products such as 7DollarSecrets and the RapidActionProfits scripts. And PaySpree offers even more than what you get with those.
I've actually come across products for sale that are just lists of affiliate programs that pay instant paypal commission. And I've seen many threads in the various internet marketing forums asking about where to find instant commission affiliate programs. Now there is an entire site and marketplace dedicated to them.
As soon as you become a member you can start promoting any product in the marketplace, and you can add your own products so affiliates can promote them for you. All commission payments are handled automatically by PaySpree, it sounds like a winner to me.
I've just signed up and had a look around the site and it seems pretty simple and non cluttered, check it out at the link below and let me know what you think:
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Movie Review- 12 Years of slave
Director: Steve McQueen
Screenwriter: John Ridley
Starring: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Garret Dillahunt, Paul Giamatti, Scoot McNairy, Lupita Nyong’o, Adepero Oduye, Sarah Paulson, Brad Pitt, Michael Kenneth Williams, Alfre Woodard, Chris Chalk, Taran Killam, Bill Camp
Genre: Drama MPAA
Rating: R (for violence/cruelty, some nudity and brief sexuality)
12 Years a Slave is an incredibly moving emotional movie based on an incredible true story of one man's fight for survival and freedom. In the pre-Civil War United States, Solomon Northup , a free black man from upstate New York, is sadly abducted and sold unfortunately into slavery. He faces cruelty , as well as unexpected kindnesses, Solomon struggle to stay alive and to retain his dignity along side other slaves. In the twelfth year of his struggle ,Solomon meets with a Canadian abolitionist and this meeting will forever change his life.Its weird that Brad Pitt appears in this movie towards almost the end when we are so used to him playing lead roles and roles that last from the start to the end of a movie. But i am glad he was given an honorable role like he is in real life.He plays a person who cares about humanity.
I am not a huge fun of slave movies because they are just too sad ,i do not like watching movies about human suffering. Slave movies drain me emotionally especially black mans slavery because i am African. The actors did a job on this one plus everyone else involved. The actress Lupita Nyong'o won an Oscar for her role as a slave girl. She made Kenya proud and Africa proud as well, who knew history would be made that way. I had seen her acting before in a local production and she was good. I cant wait to see her take up other roles. Lupitas father is a famous politician here in Kenya and so her last name is very familiar to Kenyans and almost everyone who has heard about the movie, many Kenyans have watched 12 years of a slave just to see her act.
Movie Review-Mulan 2(A New Wave of Princess Cartoons)
In Mulan two, our heroin Fa Mulan gets the great surprise of her young life when her love, Captain who is now the General Li Shang.He asks for her hand in marriage. Before the two can have a chance of their happily ever after, the Emperor gives them a secret mission. And the secret mission is to escort three princesses to Chang’an, China to meet their future husbands. Mushu the small dragon is determined to break up Mulan and her love after he finds out that he will lose his guardian job when Mulan marries into the Li family.
The princesses happen to fall in love with three men, and Mulan decides to help them escape from the arranged plan of them marrying men they do not love.Since Mulan doesnt conform to societies dictation. This goes against the Emperor’s orders and forces him to put Mulan’s relationship with Shang into question. They are attacked by bandits while on their journey and the fate of China hangs in the balance. Mulan and Shang save the princesses, but end up hanging from a broken bridge. Since the rope can only support one person Shang lets go inorder to save Mulan, and falls into the river. Mulan sadly has to go on with the journey to Qui Gong.
And since the princesses don't want to go through with the marriages, and Shang is sadly believed to be dead, Mulan offers herself as a bride to one of the princes. But Shang luckily did survive the fall, and he goes to try and stop her from marrying the prince. Mulan sadly almost goes through with the marriage, but is stopped by the Golden Dragon of Unity which is actually Mushu imitating the dragon by speaking from inside the statue. The ruler of Qui Gong stops the wedding. Mulan and Shang are finally married and the princesses are free from marrying the princes.Shang goes to the shrine and combines his family's temple with Mulan's. This allows Mushu to keep his title as family guardian and all is well for Mushu. Mulan and Shang live happily ever after. This is yet another great story for our strong-willed Mulan.
The Movie:Grand Piano- Movie Review

It is one hour and thirty minutes long.Tom Selznick played by John Cusack is the most talented pianist of his time and had stopped performing in public because of his stage fright. Some years after a catastrophic performance, he reappears in public for a long- awaited concert in Chicago.
In a packed theater, in front of the awaiting audience, Tom finds a message written on the score: "Play one wrong note and you die." While at the piano because he cant move from where he is, Tom must figure out the mysterious sniper's motives and look for help without anyone realizing and at the same time follow all of the snippers demands so he and his wife can stay alive.
This movie kind of reminds me of the movie phone booth.It is full of suspence and keeps you wondering what next.It is an action thriller with a clever story line that you wouldnt suspect by its title.It is amazing to see John Cusack play such a role because i am used to seeing him do other types of movies like The Lords of The Rings
Mulan-A New Wave of Princess Cartoons- Movie Rwview
The cartoon Mulan is inspired by a Chinese folk tale, this animated Disney drama is about the adventures of a young woman in ancient China. While the merciless Shan-Yu leads invading Huns over the Great Wall, young Mulan sees a matchmaker about her future in marriage.
Mulan's views on accepted marriage traditions goes against what she believes in as she hopes for a recognition of her true self. To fight the Huns, a man from each family is required to join the Imperial Army.Mulan's elderly father Fa Zhou volunteers but she objects. He tells her that he knows his place. And it is time she learnt hers.
Mulan goes ahead and cuts her hair, dresses as a man, and gets ready for military camp, her First Ancestor is concerned by her decision and turns an inanimate incense burner into the 18-inch high funny dragon Mushu . Mushu hides in her clothing and she joins a group of new recruits under the command of Captain Shang .
During an ambush by the Huns in a mountain pass, Mulan steps in and defeats their enemy. When Mulan goes back home,she expects to be in trouble but is instead welcomed warmly by her family. Shang arrives to talk with Mulan, having been encouraged to propose by the Emperor. The ancestors agree to make Mushu a guardian once more.This is an amazing cartoon that shows how females can lead people to victory.No prince here to save the day like in the typical fairy tales.
Why Does Everyone Need Validation?-Self Help
First i will try to describe what validation is in my own words.Validation is approval in someones eyes or being up to standard according to a certain person.When one is validated by someone it gives one happiness,self assurance and peace of mind.When one feels they do not ever or they hardly live up to someones validation.They are down,sad and its like they have a storm inside.Being validated is i guess just a part of human nature.Kids like to get the validation from their parents and at times parents need to get their children's validation.When children do not get their parents validation they self destruct and are very sad and angry.
Its amazing the amount of damage the lack of validation from a parent to a child can do to a child.But getting validation is everywhere.Friends want validation from their friends.Peers want approval from their peers.Students need validation from their teachers.Employees need validation from their employers.Husbands need validation from their wives and vice-versa.Even people who are dating need validation from each other.And the list goes on and on and on.Even celebrities need validation from their fun's that means there are no exceptions its just part of human nature.I think the most important thing is to do and be the best and love yourself that is the best validation you need.Because needing those other validations can be alot of work and even impossible and that can do alot of damage because of the emotional strain of trying to please others.
And you will be concentrating on the wrong things and you will not concentrate on building yourself and you will loose yourself in the process.But i think life will be easier without needing validation.Do you agree with me or what do you think about validation? will always keep myself in check because i do not want to loose myself while trying to stand for gender equality.It would not be of any benefit to me to be a rebel that gets lost in their course.I wont be submissive but i will keep in mind that we are equals so that we may exist in harmony.Hope you feel the same way too about gender equality.I look up to women like Beyonce,Tyra Banks and Alicia Keys, they are true definitions of women standing tall and amazingly strong in a mans world.They show how hard work and believing in yourself as a woman can make you achieve your dreams without limitations.So males are not better than females and females are not better than males we are equals.Its all mutual love and respect.Hope you agree with me males and females compliment each other none supplements the other.
Sunday, 23 November 2014
10 Things You Should Never Post On Your Status On Social Media
1.Never post am in bed,because this makes peoples minds wonder especially the ones whose minds are in the gutter.
2.Never post am going to shower that too is will make people wonder especially the ones whose minds are in the gutter.
3.Never post am having a hangover and you are at work ,your maybe watching and knows you have too be at your hundred percent to deliver
4. Never post i will kill my neighbours pet cause just incase the pet turns up dead guess who will be the first suspect.
5.Never post the food i just had really sucked that would be rude if the person who prepared the food comes across your post.
6.Never post i had so much fun or am having so much fun and you had told someone you where too busy to hangout with them that wil surely hurt when the person happens to see that post
7.Never post the i hates,like i hate someone be it a parent,sibling,friends,boss,date,girlfriend or boyfriend cause you never know who is watching one of them just might be.
8.Never post that you have a running stomach,no one ever wants to imagine you doing so
9.Never post about your finances like maybe you have come into alot of money that is never safe to do.
10.Never post about a gorgeous guy or girl who is not your girlfriend or boyfriend that is so insensitive if u are already in a relationship,
How To Make Tomato Chilli- Recipe
This is one of the most simplest things you can make maybe even easier than boiling water.All you need is:
1.tomatoes or red pepper
The amount of each ingredient depends one the number of people you are making it for.This is for one person you will need:
2 onion,
6 tomatoes,
2 chilli peppers
Cut the onions in small circles and then cut the tomatoes also in small circles into the onions then cut the chilli pepper into the onion and tomatoes then add two pinches of salt to taste and mix everything together. To make it more interesting you can fry the mixture with alittle oil until the mixture is well cooked and make sure the tomatoes are completely mashed.This can go well with foods of any kind.
Friday, 14 November 2014
Kim Kardashians Booty Breaks The Internet-Kim Bares It All

Kim Kardashian is known for being comfortable in her own body.Kim is always in beautiful outfits which show off her beautiful curves.I must admite Kim Kardashian has a very realistic or rather represents a realistic womans body.Not like the very glorified skinny starving stick figures that are sold by hollywood.She does a good representation of reality.Kim Kardashian did a photo shot with Paper Magazine where she bares it all.Some shoots look artistic but others look like they are pushing the envelope further and further.The booty shots of Kim finally broke the internet everyone was commenting and viewing the pictures.The most shocking picture of all is a full frontal nude shot which just leaves one mouth open and in shock.Was that really artistic or necessary?I do love Kim Kardashian and recognize all her hard work in the fashion industry.But this was not neccesary.
We all know that Kim Kardashians body is gorgeous.Shots of Kim Kardashians booty have gotten mixed reactions.Even the full frontal picture.Some people say it is not artistic but trashy.People say she is a mother and so she should not portray herself in such a manner.Even some of her fellow celebrities do not support her on this.They have made their say on social media and so has Kim Kardashian.For years Kim Kardashians booty has been a topic but never like this.She finally shows the world what she has.Some people are in full support of Kim and i bet some are even following in her foot steps.It is ok to be comfortable in your own body.And i do admire and like Kim Kardashian for that.But their is a limit which she kind of crossed.But everyone has the freedom to portray themselves in whatever way they want because its their body anyway.Kim Kardashians booty did break the internet because it went viral and was what everyone talked about worldwide.Sources say that her husband Kanye West and her family is fine with the pictures and support her fully.
You can find Kim Kardashian at
Thursday, 13 November 2014
'We need to get her a booty!' Diplo plots bizarre fundraiser to pay for Taylor Swift to enhance her rear Read more:
Diplo has started a fundraising account for Taylor Swift's bottom.
36-year-old DJ appeared to start an online feud with the 24-year-old
Shake It Off singer on Wednesday after he posted several demeaning and
body shaming tweets aimed at her.
Diplo wrote: 'Someone should make a kickstarter to get taylor swift a booty (sic)"
Starting a feud: Diplo, shown in April
in Indio, California, poked fun at Taylor Swift on Twitter on Wednesday
as he tried to stir a feud
He later tweeted 'body shaming myself right now' and added 'are taylor swift fans called the swift boat veterans?'
Diplo then tweeted a link to a Fundly account - started by a fan called Eric Spivak that called itself Get Taylor Swift A Booty.
The description of the campaign claimed to be supporting the top-charting singer but it was deeply sarcastic.
Getting it started: Diplo suggested an online fundraiser to aid Taylor
read: 'Taylor Swift Still Needs Your Help! Any true supporter of TSWIFT
would definitely not pass up this opportunity to improve her posterior!
Spread The Word If You Believe In Magic!'
the time of writing, the Fundly account has raised $45 out of its goal
of $3,500 with a total of 13 supporters donating to the cause.
Diplo's rumoured girlfriend Katy Perry, 30, has previously fought with Taylor on Twitter.
Body shaming: Taylor, shown performing
last month in Los Angeles, moved away from her country roots in her new
top-charting pop album 1989
Katy took to social media after she was accused of stealing a dancer from Taylor's music tour.
September, the Roar singer tweeted: 'Watch out for the Regina Ggeorge
in sheep's clothing..' in reference to a character in the 2004 movie
Mean Girls.
departed from her country roots in her new top-charting pop album 1989
while Katy has been a pop darling since her 2008 single I Kissed A
Pop star: Katy Perry, shown last month performing in Mexico City, has been the world's biggest pop star
Original post available at:
I think this is so wrong in so many ways the world is messed up enough,you have to tell people how they should look according to your books,women have enough issues with their bodies pointing out flaws according to you is just wrong in so many levels.That DJ is not perfect himself he should start pointing out his flaws.Women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes.
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
University In America Studying Beyonce And Rihanna As A School Course

or even comparing the roles of Beyonce and Rihanna in pop culture but rather the students will be studying how the lyrics, music videos, and actions of these two women in the music industry express various aspects of black feminism such as violence,economic opportunity, standards of beauty, and creative self-expression.

Is Beyonce Losing Her Queen Of Pop Title To Taylor Swift

Since Beyonce is the queen of pop music. Beyonce and Taylor Swift are two very different artists even if they would do the same genre of music.Taylor has her ability to write great +Songs which are inspired by every guy she dates,which makes them so real.And her new album 1989 is a pop album with great singles like shake it off.About Beyonce where do i even start. Beyonce is an amazing singer, she is a great dancer she acts and writes songs too.Beyonce has made her mark as queen of +Pop and Taylor swift is great at her own turf.
Taylor Swirft- Shake it off
Beyonce featuring Nikii Minaj- Flawless
Monday, 10 November 2014
The Raw Food Blogger Whose Eyes Changed Color, Part 2

Photo: @fullyrawkristina​
We recently shared a video by Fully Raw blogger
Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram in which she said that eating a raw food diet
turned her eyes from brown to blue. Yahoo Food readers had very strong
opinions about this claim: Some of the over 600 commenters have seen
similar results because of raw diets, some have experienced eye color
change with age but do not eat raw, and most were in disbelief. We touched base with Carrillo-Bucaram, who also runs a popular food co-op in her hometown of Houston, to go over some of the questions that were raised.
What’s your reaction to the naysayers?
It’s definitely a controversial and debatable topic. Most people just say, ‘Oh, you crazy pants.’ And look, I didn’t believe it at first either. It was my mom who said my eyes looked lighter about three years into my eating exclusively raw. I said, ‘That’s crazy. Mom, I think you need contacts.’ I noticed maybe a year later, though; she was right. It wasn’t until the eight-year mark that I made that video.
It’s definitely a controversial and debatable topic. Most people just say, ‘Oh, you crazy pants.’ And look, I didn’t believe it at first either. It was my mom who said my eyes looked lighter about three years into my eating exclusively raw. I said, ‘That’s crazy. Mom, I think you need contacts.’ I noticed maybe a year later, though; she was right. It wasn’t until the eight-year mark that I made that video.
You live in Texas, which
certainly isn’t known as the raw vegan capital of the world. Has it
been difficult to spread the word there?
We are definitely in the Lone Star state and there’s a steakhouse on every corner, but I have had so much support. It started in the neighborhood, then the co-op grew and the channel grew. I’ll never push anyone to go to 100 percent raw, but maybe try one or two meals a day. Or eliminate meat and dairy from your diet. Or if you can’t go vegan, go vegetarian.
We are definitely in the Lone Star state and there’s a steakhouse on every corner, but I have had so much support. It started in the neighborhood, then the co-op grew and the channel grew. I’ll never push anyone to go to 100 percent raw, but maybe try one or two meals a day. Or eliminate meat and dairy from your diet. Or if you can’t go vegan, go vegetarian.
Some commenters chalked up the appearance of your eyes to lighting.
My eyes did actually change color, otherwise I would not have taken the time to make a video about it. People say everything: ‘Oh, you Photoshopped your eyes.’ You can Photoshop your eyes in a photo, but not a video. They’re just in disbelief. But random people walk up to me at the co-op and start staring at my eyes. They say, ‘My God it’s true!’ They can see the change.
My eyes did actually change color, otherwise I would not have taken the time to make a video about it. People say everything: ‘Oh, you Photoshopped your eyes.’ You can Photoshop your eyes in a photo, but not a video. They’re just in disbelief. But random people walk up to me at the co-op and start staring at my eyes. They say, ‘My God it’s true!’ They can see the change.
Tell us more about your iridologist. Why did you seek out someone from that practice instead of a more mainstream doctor?
Normal doctors don’t practice iridology [the study of the iris to diagnose disease]. Some people say it’s not legit, but you’re not going to go to a regular eye doctor who checks your eyesight when you’re seeing fine, right? So I sought out an iridologist, and she was pretty surprised—she had never seen anyone who has been raw as long as I have—and said that I was clearing out all the gunk from my colon.
Normal doctors don’t practice iridology [the study of the iris to diagnose disease]. Some people say it’s not legit, but you’re not going to go to a regular eye doctor who checks your eyesight when you’re seeing fine, right? So I sought out an iridologist, and she was pretty surprised—she had never seen anyone who has been raw as long as I have—and said that I was clearing out all the gunk from my colon.
Some commenters said
that their eye color has changed with age. Did your iridologist say that
is possible? Or is the lightness definitely associated with your diet?
We are 90 percent sure that it was associated with my diet. It’s only been 10 years of my life that I’ve been eating this way, though, so maybe 40 or 50 years later we can have this conversation.
We are 90 percent sure that it was associated with my diet. It’s only been 10 years of my life that I’ve been eating this way, though, so maybe 40 or 50 years later we can have this conversation.
What do you think about mainstream medical doctors’ feedback in the article?
He automatically assumed that I had some kind of deficiency without even knowing my situation.
He automatically assumed that I had some kind of deficiency without even knowing my situation.
Do you take any supplements or medications?
I haven’t taken medication in 10 years. The only supplement I’ve taken is vitamin B12, which I took twice. I don’t have a general practitioner. Being a part of [the health] community, I’m surrounded by doctors. I have an enormous support team.
I haven’t taken medication in 10 years. The only supplement I’ve taken is vitamin B12, which I took twice. I don’t have a general practitioner. Being a part of [the health] community, I’m surrounded by doctors. I have an enormous support team.
Have you been tested for possible diseases that could lead to eye trauma?
I got blood results—I went over them in a video, actually—and I’m healthy as a horse. The point of that video was to prove that you can be a raw vegan for 10 years and still be extremely healthy. I see myself as eating the most nutrient-dense diet on the planet.
I got blood results—I went over them in a video, actually—and I’m healthy as a horse. The point of that video was to prove that you can be a raw vegan for 10 years and still be extremely healthy. I see myself as eating the most nutrient-dense diet on the planet.
You tell people you’re only
eating raw fruits and vegetables and they think it’s extreme, but I’m
one of the most balanced people I know. Going to McDonald’s or Papa
John’s for food every day—I think that’s extreme. Where are they getting nutrition? Diabetes has become normal in today’s society. Something is wrong.
Would you like to see all of this become the subject of a scientific study one day?
This research would be amazing, but the goal is not for people’s eye colors to change. We want people to understand that when you have a clean diet, you feel better and you can physically see the healthy coming out of you.
This research would be amazing, but the goal is not for people’s eye colors to change. We want people to understand that when you have a clean diet, you feel better and you can physically see the healthy coming out of you.
When I started eating raw, my
goal was to have better health, and the eye change was a result of that.
A cool result, mind you, but that’s all.
For more on Carrillo-Bucaram's story and living as a vegan :
Change Your Diet, Change Your Eye Color
Would You Date a Vegan?
More Healthy News
Change Your Diet, Change Your Eye Color
Would You Date a Vegan?
More Healthy News
Original post available at:
This story is so amazing i cant believe it unless i try this myself,i think to would be so amazing to have my eye color change but the downside is that is that diet needs alot of discipline and self control that will take time to master. I really loved this article because it is about a diet that promotes good health and it is good to take care of your health and it is mind blowing to have your eye color change.
Sunday, 2 November 2014
6 Ways Of Making Money Online-The Best Genuine Ways
Making money online is a topic i have searched online so much i would be super rich if i earned from each time i did my search.It takes alot of time and research or you would be lucky to find your thing,on first time search.If you are a genius then maybe you will understand all the crazy ways people make money.But to be honest most people write about making money but no one really tells you where to make money online.And the ones who do, give you sites not knowing if they are fraud or they take forever to earn a decent extra earning.Most sites require patience and when you get the hang of it,everything will flow like a river.But if you ask me most sites are a waste of time.For me most PTC(paid to click) sites are a waste of time and simply have false advertisement.Most of them say they pay a certain amount per click but when you sign up, you get a rude shock they pay way less than the initial amount per click.I wish there would be laws against false advertisement then people would stop misleading others.They always say you just have to click and wait for the time you are to stay on the page is up for you to get paid.
But that is not always the case nothing is ever that easy when it comes to internet jobs.Jobs are alittle hard the benefits are you work under your own supervision and you are independent.People say the easiest jobs are micro-jobs.Well i have been there tried that and it is easier said than done. Micro-jobs are tasks you can do,they pay way better than PTC(paid to click) sites but its not that much.Micro-jobs are not as simple as people say they are but they are a good challenge,just afew tasks are quiet easy like you being asked to share a link on a social site.Some tasks are for residents of certain countries only and they are always the highest paying ones.This sites do not favor international workers.You can find survey sites but you have to know the genuine from the fakes and try to get the ones that have many surveys.Online jobs site are great because you get to work on jobs offered by employees but you have to compete for the jobs with a number of people. Data entry jobs are good and also form filing jobs but you have to find genuine sites cause the internet is full of scam sites.Writing is one of the best ways to make money online but it also has its challenges. You have to find genuine sites and sites that your writing is best suited for.Their is forex trading which people earn online doing ,i do not know much about it but i here people earn from it. In quiet a number of online job sites you are asked to pay many people say do not pay for work.I am a victim of this i can say certainly some people write fake success stories when they get their success from you believing their tales.I paid for an email reading job site and my money went like that.I never got the emails to read ,i heard nothing from them.
The site is stay far away from that site. Email reading jobs have very few genuine online job sites if any.Ways to make money online are endless but the people making the good money online are the ones who own these job sites that is where the big money is.The site be it genuine or fake that is where the online money is at.Making money online is something so possible.
The best way to make money online is through affiliate marketing.This is marketing for peoples website and products and getting sales for them.There are so many people looking for affiliate marketers would wide.
Writing online is another great way of earning online ,you can be an academic writer and write school assignments for people be a guest writer to a blog or even be a blogger to your own site.But the key to earning from your own site is by getting advertisements on that earn you money when people click on them or purchase the products from the site in the banner.There are very many writing channels online.
2 Reasons Why PTC Sites Are Not Worth It- I Think It Takes Alot To Be A Clicker
Truely it takes alot of patience and not to mention internet connection is not free.Would you be able to make enough to pay for the internet connection and some change.And not to forget your time is money and it cant be very little money like maybe a cent or even less.
When did earning online get to earning so little for so much work.Okay Payed to click sites pay you for clicking advertisements they provide on their site.Okay this is a great way of advertising and driving traffic.
But at the end of the day there are only two big winners.
Those are the owner of the advertisement and the owner of the PTC(paid to click) site.And not to forget some sites are scams.
That means your time wont be even worth that cent that is so little.It even hard to tell the real sites from the fake because in every PTC(paid to click) site there are advertisements of other PTC(paid to click) site be they real or fake. The best way to make money on this sites is through referrals which is not easy if you cant get a following.I am trying my luck on PTC(paid to click) sites but its trying to make money against all odds.You can give it a try too if you are really patient and maybe very lucky and make sure you join the genuine sites and see how much you can make. That is if you are up for a challenge.
Illuminati Believe It Or Not.
Many very wealthy successful people are being said to be illuminati.Well for me i do not buy it.I believe that hard work pays and some talents can be very rewarding.With money comes power and also sometimes fame.Okay i know there could be people out there who would sell their souls for gold. They are hungry for money and fame and everything that comes along with it.And they sell their souls for all this as crazy and as unbelievable as it seems.
But i do not think its that obvious that a group of wealthy celebrities and very wealth people would be illuminati.People are trying to say hard work and talent can not bring prosperity.Why would the very wealthy and very successful be blessed by the devil.I know God is more powerful than the devil so God has the power to bless more.
Why would the wealthiest people be the wealthiest caused of Gods blessings.And their is also the law of attraction which says you are what you believe and you attract what you want in your life.I think its pretty much about faith,i know its not easy but people have that capacity and some want wealth and fame and they work towards it and get it.They say life is what you make.Some take their lives and make it great by working hard.And some industries like entertainment are very rich, one can make an overnight fortune.
Mandela The Best Leader Of All Time
Nelson Madiba Mandela the greatest leader of our times and the greatest African leader according to my books.I know enough to love him dearly.He led South Africa through the most bloody and sad times of its history.He was a lawyer who fought for equality during the Apartheid period, when there was no equality between black and white people in South Africa.At that time Africans did not have equal rights as the whites there,they could not have equal rites to good life,jobs and all human rights that you could think of.He was an activist who spoke up against all this inequality.And he went to jail for twenty seven years for fighting for equal rights.He was released and became the first South African black president.He did not rule South Africa from 1994 to 1999,that being just one term.He was succeeded by President Thabo Mbeki. This is again another exceptional trait if i may say so because many African leaders just cling to power.There have been numerous African leaders who at first fight for the rights of the people.Their hearts seem to be in the right place to begin with but later on they become the problem. Money and power maybe so intoxicating that they forget what they first stood for.But the other case maybe their hearts might not been in the right place to begin with.But with Nelson Mandela this was not the case,he led the people out of apartheid set them free,led them for the shortest time then left the seat to someone else.
A number of African leaders cling to power until they are removed their by force.If you ask me you can cling to power if you are providing the people everything they need.That being good security,health care,jobs,affordable basic needs,infrastructure and many more. But the case is always contrary,poor infrastructure,poor health care,no jobs,expensive standard of living and big margin between the rich and poor.Instead of leaving it to someone who can deliver they hang on blinded by power and greed.The sad state of most African countries is because of greed for power and money.Leader forget they work for the people as soon as they get into power and they are only driven by selfishness.Nelson Mandela is that one exceptional leader that other African leader should take after.Africa is rich but it cant flourish to its full potential because of greedy leaders.Nelson Mandela is not just an example to other leaders but to the whole of humanity because we are all equal and deserve the best.
Miley Cyrus Is It A Case Of Good Girl Gone Bad
I remember watching Hannah Montana and never would i ever imagined that little girl would grow up to be the woman she is. There was no hint of Miley Cyrus being a bad girl.With her innocent cute baby face i cant help but still love her.
I do not know why she does what she does but i cant help but wander.Was she always a bad girl because Hannah Montana is obviously a television character or is it the pressure of always being a good kid that Disney needs its television actors to uphold that made this girl flip.Or maybe she did not get enough time to be herself or to just be a normal kid.
I hope this is just a phase or maybe a show to get her rates up.If that is the case then its worked cause she is the most googled person of late.With all the tweerking and tongue out of her mouth.She has made great music which would still sell as much if she did not do all that.At the end of the day i love Miley Cyrus and just wish her all the best.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Kenyans and Africans wake up- African Politics
Our president had been called to go to Hague for the trial of post elections violence after the 2007 elections.He went there but the International Criminals Court decided they will not try a sitting president.Our president Uhuru Kenyatta came home the next day.There were crowds of people waiting for him and celebrating his coming home.There were people dance on along the highway he used from the airport to his town office where there was also a huge crowd that he addressed.There were even school children in the crowd and it was on a normal school and working Thursday.This is shocking because what about the people who lost their lives and others everything they owned and plus their loved ones . It is about time Kenyans and Africans wake up for justice and truth and stop celebrating people who we are making rich,they work for us not the other way around, and we should stand up for people whose lives were destroyed because of greed and selfish ambition.
I would rather sleep or be idol than celebrate a suspect,we should get our priorities straight and stand for our justice so that people would learn if you kill people no matter who you are you will pay.If not they will be a repeat of people killing others only to get power.President Uhuru Kenyatta maybe be innocent or maybe guilt but people are giving the International Criminals Court such a hard time.They are just trying to do what our corrupt African countries can not do.And that is to fight for the poor and oppressed.They seem to be trying to help people who do not want to be helped.But like it or not they have a job to do and they will fight for the people who Kenyans and Africans refuse to stand up for and even fight for.We should let the International Criminals Court do its job in peace and if president Uhuru Kenyatta is innocent then they will prove that he is.And we should stand for the poor oppressed and voiceless just as you are standing up for your leaders.Africans go all out to stand up for their leaders but completely ignore themselves.
Dead beat Kenya-Parents neglecting their responsibilities
One would wonder what Dead beat Kenya is? Well it is a +Facebook page where Parents in Kenya who are not looking after the children the have brought into the world are named and shamed.It is a page exposing parents who have run away and neglected their children.Most of these parents are the males and so people look at it as an attack on men when simply it is not.It shows that men are the most in neglecting their parental responsibilities.I first heard of this page on radio then the same week on Friday there was a news feature on a local news on television.The page was almost a week old and had 67,000 people and during the news feature they even announced that the number of members are even going up.The man behind the page explained that he does a complete check up of the people being accused and the ones making the accusations before the accusations are posted on the wall of the page.He said he does cyber forensics and complete background checks on both parties.The man behind this page looks like a P.I. and so he know the law and what he is doing.Because all that he is doing has to be done within the law to avoid a law suit that would be successful.Some people fully support the page both men and women and others are against Dead beat Kenya and they are both men and women.
Some people say it is bad to air your dirty laundry in public and it is the women who are left with the shame.Well i do not think so because the man who has abandoned his responsibility is the one with dirty laundry.I have seen men who have been put up for multiple children and others have children with different women.It is like they have children everywhere.I did join the group and saw this for myself.I was even shocked, as soon as i was accepted to join Dead beat Kenya, i saw a guy that i knew and the story was he has a one year old daughter that he does not look after.And i know this guy has a good job and he is capable.In the group Dead beat Kenya no one is allowed to reveal the identity of the children or even post pictures of them.There are laws that protect children in such situations.There are some mums who are shamed at Dead beat Kenya but there are very few.It shows that many men have affairs and have children and others it is just relationships and get +Children and do not take up the responsibility of catering for the children.It is good that some women can step up and fight for their children because women have always taken all the shame and blame for accidental pregnancies its about time both parties take up equal responsibilities and women to stop taking up the role of victim and letting the men get away.In Dead beat Kenya all the men i came across look successful and wealthy it is heart breaking that they can not look after their kids.It sure is a dawn shame though the man behind Dead beat Kenya is being sued by a number of people atlist afew of the named for not taking up their responsibilities have started taking care of
their children.And the men who are on Dead beat Kenya mostly look like the love to drink because it is mentioned in most of the stories if not all of them.I think that Dead beat Kenya is a brilliant idea because their is a growing trend of parents who do not take up their responsibilities.What do you think of a facebook page like Dead beat Kenya? Dead Beat Kenya was taken down eventually because many influential people were being named and shamed.
Ed Sheeran- His Road To Success
His is a rags to riches because of never giving up kind of a story. Ed Sheeran dropped out of school at the age of 16,he spent his student grant on rail tickets.Ed Sheeran moved from place to place, he performed at open-mic nights across the Kingdom, Ed Sheeran slept on his friends sofas spending time self-releasing home made EPs and albums.He spent four years performing in the British live scene with no success.Then Ed Sheeran left for Los Angeles. After performing a gig in the city, Ed Sheeran was approached by Jamie Foxx's contact who produced open-mic nights endorsed by Jamie Foxx. She invited him to perform after the performance he was contacted by Foxx's manager who then asked him to perform on Foxx's radio show.
After performing on the radio show,Jamie Foxx gave Ed Sheeran his number offering studio time free of charge.He took the opportunity to record several tracks and the rest is history.He finally got the success that he deserved.He has released hit song after hit song.He has been signed to good record labels.
Sheeran started performing with the
acoustic guitar at the age of 11 and his
love for the instrument is what got him into music and singing. His
musical inspirations have been The Beatles and Bob Dylan, Damien Rice
who is his biggest influence of them all.Ed Sheeran already sounds like a
living legend his sound,his voice and the words to his songs are master
Sam Smith-Things you need to know about Sam Smith
Sam Frederick is Sam Smith.He was born 19 May 1992.He is a British
soul singer-songwriter. Who rose to fame in October of 2012 when he was
featured on Disclosure's success single Latch, which
peaked at number 11 on the UK
Singles Chart. He was also featured on Naughty Boys La La La and this
earned him his first number one single in May of 2013. In December of
2013, he was nominated for the 2014 BRIT Critics Choice Award and the
BBC's Sound of 2014 poll, which he both won. He
released his debut studio album,
In the Lonely Hour, in May of 2014 under Capitol Records. The lead
single, Lay Me Down. The second single was Money on My
Mind . The album's third single Stay with Me got
international success, peaking at both the UK Singles chart and the U.S.
Billboard Pop Songs
chart.It also reached number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
Sam Smith was born in London, England. Sam Smith is an alumnus of Youth
Music Theatre UK.
He studied singing and songwriting under jazz vocalist/ pianist Joanna Eden for some years . He attended St Mary's Catholic School in Bishop's Stortford . He was a member of the Bishop's Stortford Junior Operatics which is now Bishops Stortford Musical Theatre Society and the Cantate Youth Choir. Sam Smith is a cousin of the singer Lily Allen.Looks like talent runs in the family.Before he made it into the music industry Sam Smith worked at a bar cleaning toilets.
He studied singing and songwriting under jazz vocalist/ pianist Joanna Eden for some years . He attended St Mary's Catholic School in Bishop's Stortford . He was a member of the Bishop's Stortford Junior Operatics which is now Bishops Stortford Musical Theatre Society and the Cantate Youth Choir. Sam Smith is a cousin of the singer Lily Allen.Looks like talent runs in the family.Before he made it into the music industry Sam Smith worked at a bar cleaning toilets.
Smiths music influences are Amy Winehouse, Lady
Gaga , Beyoncé , Whitney Houston ,
and Mariah Carey.
Smith confessed that he struggles with obsessive–compulsive
disorder(OCD).He started singing at the age of 6.His biggest supporter
through out the years has been his mum.Sam Smith is such a great soulful
singer at 22 he is a living legend if you ask me.He has a soulful feel
in his songs with amazing lyrics and sound to match.
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