Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Modern Day Slavery- Violation of Human Rights

Modern day slavery is a big violation of human rights and it is sadly something going on in this day and age and it has a new face.But it is still slavery no matter which ever way you put it.And if you are a part of this no matter who you are, you are the lowest of the lows.Modern day slavery is taking part in almost if not all parts of the world.In some parts it is worse than in others.And people hardly pay for these violations by the law of the land.But i am happy that their is always a greater law than the law of the land.When people practice modern day slavery they think no one can do something about this but they do not remember God is always watching and God is just and loves everyone equally.

It does not matter which race or social class you belong to.We are all the same and equal.Most of modern day slavery slavery is practiced by people who are full of hate and look down on people because of their race or social status.In the local news there have been too many reports of people who have fallen victim of modern day slavery.Only a handful sadly come out of modern day slavery.Most of them are killed and the people who commit these insane murders are never done anything by law.Only because they are racist and have national who has killed a Kenyan employee.

Because the Saudi Arabian government protects these people by simply not getting involved and turning a blind eye.Most victims who have been killed seem to be kenyans but other citizens of other countries have also fallen victim to these dark part of humanity.Not everyone who goes to work in Saudi Arabia gets bad inhuman employers.Some employers are quiet human are very nice.I remember i had a profile in an international nanny site.I was looking for a nanny job in any international country.But most of the prospects who really wanted me to work for them where from Saudia Arabia.

I was not marketable in Europe or America or the other countries i wanted.I was terrified and would not accept any job offered to me.Even some prospect employers even called me all the way from Saudi Arabia but i would not make such a gamble.They did seem very eager for me to work for them and they seemed nice.But with the stories of modern day slavery my answer was a plain clear and simple NO.Modern day slavery is so real and a violation of human rights.

I wish it would stop and people who do this be brought to book no matter who they are.I hope a strong movement would be set up to fight this but one power that will never fail is the higher power.alot of money.Many Kenyans leave for Saudi Arabia in search for a better life.But sadly some of them fall in hands of people whose souls are so dark.Our government has never been able to brought any Saudi Arabian national who has killed a kenyan employee.Because the Saudi Arabian government protects these people by simply not getting involved and turning a blind eye.Most victims who have been killed seem to be kenyans but other citizens of other countries have also fallen victim to these dark part of humanity.

Not everyone who goes to work in Saudi Arabia gets bad inhuman employers.Some employers are quiet human are very nice.I remember i had a profile in an international nanny site.I was looking for a nanny job in any international country.But most of the prospects who really wanted me to work for them where from Saudia Arabia.I was not marketable in Europe or America or the other countries i wanted.I was terrified and would not accept any job offered to me.Even some prospect employers even called me all the way from Saudi Arabia but i would not make such a gamble.

They did seem very eager for me to work for them and they seemed nice.But with the stories of modern day slavery my answer was a plain clear and simple NO.Modern day slavery is so real and a violation of human rights.I wish it would stop and people who do this be brought to book no matter who they are.I hope a strong movement would be set up to fight this but one power that will never fail is the higher power.What do you think can be done to stop this violation of human rights?

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Join the Build A Business Competition -By Shopify Open An Online Store

(sponsored post)

Shopify is a Canadian commerce company headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario that develops computer software for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems.
Shopify was founded in 2004, and was initially based on earlier software written by its founders for their online snowboard store. The company reportedly has that 150,000 merchants using its platform, with total gross merchandise volume exceeding $7 billion. 

This description of shopify is from wikipedia.org

Have a great business idea that you've always wanted to explore? Here’s your chance to launch a new business and get once-in-a lifetime mentorship from all-star entrepreneurs!
To enter, simply come up with a product, open a new Shopify store here using this link http://www.shopify.com/?ref=angelah , enter the competition – and start selling. Register by March 31st and compete to sell the most during a two-month period.

Shopify is sending five winners to Richard Branson's private retreat, Necker Island, to spend time with five mentors – Richard Branson, Daymond John, Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin and Marie Forleo – so you can learn from the best.

Join the Competition Now! at http://www.shopify.com/build-a-business/?ref=angelah
Ready to start a store, but not compete? Try Shopify free for 14 days and see how they have everything you need to sell anywhere. Try Shopify! at http://www.shopify.com/?ref=angelah

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

LDS church responds to Mormon blogger after excommunicated ‘to correct public record’

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is
 responding to Mormon blogger John Dehlin after
 he was excommunicated Tuesday.
The church said it has a “responsibility to correct
 the public record.”

LDS church: Mormon blogger excommunicated for ‘apostasy’

The LDS church sent this statement to Fox 13:
“Holding a disciplinary council for a member of the Church is not something that any local leader takes lightly. Such councils are always held in private, and the member is always invited to be a part of that discussion. The decision as to whether to hold a disciplinary council, when and for what reasons rests with the local leader who knows the individual best. Local leaders operate under general principles and guidelines of the Church.
Such councils are always far better when all involved respect the principle of confidentiality. At the very least, this principle helps those members who wish to return to full fellowship at a later date. When the member has chosen to air their grievances in public, the Church reserves the right to correct the public record. In this case, attempts have been made to create the impression that the disciplinary council convened on Sunday, February 8, 2015, and which has resulted in a loss of Church membership or excommunication of Mr. Dehlin arose largely because of his views on same-sex marriage and priesthood ordination for women.  Although his stated positions on those subjects are not consistent with the Church’s teachings, they were not cited in the local leader’s letter delivered to Mr. Dehlin on February 9, which spelled out the reasons for the local council’s unanimous decision, as follows:
  • Disputing the nature of our Heavenly Father and the divinity of Jesus Christ.
  • Statements that the Book of Mormon and the Book of Abraham are fraudulent and works of fiction.
  • Statements and teachings that reject The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as being the true Church with power and authority from God.
In his letter the local leader stated, “I want you to know, Brother Dehlin, that this action was not taken against you because you have doubts or because you were asking questions about Church doctrine. I also want you to know that I acknowledge your right to criticize the Church and its doctrines and to try to persuade others to your cause.  Our Heavenly Father has given us moral agency to decide how we will live our lives, and cherished free speech rights in this country allow you to openly state your opinions.  But you do not have the right to remain a member of the Church in good standing while openly and publicly trying to convince others that Church teachings are in error.”
Church discipline is not designed to be the end of the process, but the beginning of the road back to full fellowship. One who leaves the Church is always welcome to attend weekly worship services and is always welcome to return to Church membership through the grace and Atonement of Jesus Christ.”

 This blog post is originally from the following site:
Posted by

This is rather a very interesting post to me because i do attend the church and i am a blogger.If the guy has been ex-communicated and it looks like he doubts some of the teaching of the church then he will not go back unless he believes because the teachings can not change that is for sure.What a topic i even do not know what to say anymore all i know is that,the debate about the things that he had doubts about in the church is not new.

John Dehlin who was ex-communicated was a 5th generation Mormon, primarily through the Benson and Parkinson family lines.He rans a podcast known as Mormon Stories that led to his ex-communication.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Ladies how much can you take in the name of love

There is a woman who is married with one child.She is expecting her second child but her husband is telling her to terminate the pregnancy or he will kick her out if she does not do what he is demanding of her.And to top it all the husband is cheating on her.She needed advice on what to do.She was asking if she should do what her husband said.Everybody told her not to do what her husband asked.

That she should just leave because he will eventually leave her anyway.The way he is behaving it is like he does not love her.And he is not a good man and he will do the same harm he is doing to her to that other woman he is cheating on her with.Everyone told her to keep the child she is expecting and not be afraid to be a single parent because she can make it.

She will get a way to raise her children and she can get him to pay child support for his children.There is always the law that will take care of that.This lady seemed to have made a mistake from the start.Because she got married to this man because they were expecting their first child.They got married for the wrong reason.This is why they have such huge problems.

Many ladies go through so much hardship in the name of love or keeping a marriage or relationship together.Which leads to the question ladies how much can you take in the name of love.How much can you take ? how many problems can you endure?Because it is better to be alone than to be miserable and unhappy.

Are Gifts Important To Show Love

There is this lady who said she has been in a relationship for three years.And her guy has never ever bought her a gift.That is something that is unheard of.He has never even bought her a birthday gift.Which leads to the question are gifts important in relationships.The answer is yes and no.They are important when it is a way to show that you care. 

Gifts are important when they are from the heart.They are important when they are thoughtful and show appreciation.Gifts are not important when they are the basis of a relationship.That means the person who is being bought the gifts is only in the relationship because of the gifts or the person giving the gifts is showing off or is buying attention and affection with gifts.

There are people who get into relationships just to get gifts.Gifts are not important in a relationship when they are just to showoff and to impress the one receiving the gift.This means that person is being bought.Gifts are important when they are meant to tell the person receiving them that you are thinking of them or to apologize.And gifts should not be for the ladies only but also for the guys.Gift giving is a two way street.Gifts are important when the meaning and reasons behind the gifts are pure and true.

How to break up in a gentle way

Most break ups are so ugly but they should not be ugly.Some people end things so badly and burn bridges and create enemies because the love is over for them.Some people break up over the phone either through text messages or a phone call.

Others via email or through social media.Break ups can be messy but they should not be.Break ups are so hard because it means the end of a relationship.It is painful because relationships are emotional investments.People build dreams of a wonderful future together full of hope.People do many bad things because they have been left which is very wrong.

It is said when breaking up try not to be selfish you should consider the feelings of the person you are breaking up with.You have to be kind to them and leave them with dignity.You should not be harsh and inconsiderate.Break ups should be face to face in a place where no one can over react.It should not be at either of your houses ,a restuarant or park is much better.During a break up one should be honest and not harsh.Most people tend to be selfish and treat the one they are ending the relationship with bad so that they would be angry and leave.Some start to be rude,distant,unkind and cruel.Some even avoid and cut communication completely.This if you ask me is a cowards way of breaking up and very selfish.

You should treat the break up with the same respect you treated the relationship.You should explain kindly why you want the relationship to end and you still want to be friends.Because being friends is very possible as a way to be mature and honor the love that you once shared.You should never burn bridges because you may need that bridge some day.Not to get back with your ex but for anything because you never know what the future would bring.

News breaks first in the internet

 News breaks first in the internet.The internet seems to always have news before you get the news on radio,television or newspaper.It seems that when people witness something happening they post whatever is happening on social sites.If i had a penny for everytime i discovered something that is breaking news first via the internet.I would have lots and lots of dollars lol.One evening at around ten oclock.We kept hearing siren after siren around our neighborhood.

The person in our house who was online found out what was going.Someone on facebook had posted about what was happening.A school in the neighborhood was on fire.We get first hand information or immediate reporting via social medias.News seems to break first via the internet.You find out information via the internet then you hear it over the radio,television and newspaper.

News even travels faster and further because of internet.Because the internet is an immediate and worldwide connection.News breaks first via the internet and spreads like a wild fire.Though news breaks first via the internet it is good to know you are not supposed to believe everything you read online.Though news breaks first via the internet the internet is full of false information so do not believe everything you read in the internet.

Always Solve Conflicts ASAP

 It is said never go to bed angry.If you get into an arguement, misunderstanding or conflict with someone.It is always good to resolve it as soon as it happens.When you do not resolve things nothing gets fixed.Everything remains the same and it grows and grows like weeds.If you do not resolve fights,conflicts and indifferences all you will have between you will be fights ,conflicts and indifferences.

The basis of your relationship will be fights,conflicts and indifferences. When you sweep things under the rug they never go away they just pile up under that rug and make a mess.They make a lamp under the rug they can not disappear.They are still there.Instead of enjoying your true selves you will be lost in negative emotions and that is so wrong.You will never enjoy each others company that you are meant to enjoy.You have to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings immediately with family,friends,neighbors, aquaintances,strangers in relationship and marriages.

This helps you to get rid of excess baggage that you do not need.Not going to bed angry is the secret to any happy relationship.

Having A Business Is Also Having A Job

 What is a business?A business is something you start or run inorder to earn money.Businesses can be of any size from big to small.I do not get why when you are running your own business people consider that you do not have work.They are always asking you have not found employment yet?Or they always say so and so has not found work they are just doing business.

Well dah business is work and mostly more rewarding than white collar jobs.Come to think of it even those white collar jobs are a result of someone starting a business.For years i have been running a video library where i rent out and sell movies on dvd. It has had its ups and downs but i have constantly had people say or ask have not you found employment yet.I have had people put me down or talk down on me.Well at the end of the day am making money anyway i do not have to fit into anyones profile.

Since i am business oriented i am even doing e-commerce now and i have set up an online business.Since i love writing i have turned that into a business through affiliate marketing using a blog i created .And i did this single handedly by googling for information.It took me a long time but i have finally done it.I have people who knew this information but they never really helped me.I guess i got help and information from people i do not personally know.And i thank God for that,help comes from where you least expect it i guess.I have been accused of being a facebook addict or some people always wonder what i am always doing online.

Well i am always doing my research online and trying to run and find ways of running my online business.And i believe i am a work in progress finally i am a writer online and i am an affiliate marketer for afew establishments.I do not have to have a white collar job to know that i have a job.I am working with what ive got and i am loving it.Experience is the best teacher and am attending a college known as the college of life.I have heard people say now what is she doing why cant she look for a job? Well my answer is i have created a job for myself and where are those jobs you want me to look for?