The following are complains by Mormons on Facebook about the ways things are ran in Mormon church in Kenya in Africa.These are not my posts so i am not liable or accountable for what is said.

I know it will be faced with opposition and critics of change but to them is fear of their unknown after here. Ours is to encourage them to fear not for change is as good as a feast. Be part of that change. ....
As for the Rongai property I personally can attest to it I am the one that brought it to the church as an agent of the seller and later short changed
Keep up the good work
Apparently those in Leadership wanted a share of the hiked price. It blew out and reason why they can never touch the matter or call those involved to disciplinary in fear that they will be named. This is what is called robbing GOD. This issues need not just be addressed but condemned in the strongest terms possible. A church is where trouble sons and daughters of our Loving Heavenly Father run for refuge from the harsh world. This is is a place not only for worship but a place that Must be kept sacred at all cost in terms of our thoughts, actions etc. Stealing from Church to my opinion is no different from stealing at the Celestial Kingdom and forsaking the kingdom and that means denying the great atonement of our Lord and Savior to be this is no different to denying the Holy ghost which confirms to us that this is his Church and that He is a son of GOD. I rest my case.
This cartels situated at the hill are only inspired by the wealth they have accumulated overtime...during judgement they will one day called to account...
........ ....... my respect to you for standing up and be counted
Some people, especially ignorant people want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologise for being correct or for being years ahead of your time. If you are right and you know it, speak your mind even if you are a minority of one. The truth is still the truth. (Gandhi) My conscience is clear that change is near, hope is not faded, vision is unfazed and the goal is even nearer. Each one of us is totally linked with the universe and with all of life. The power is within us to expand the horizons of our consciousness
For some this is a tragedy, I assure you that it's not. It is approaching matters in a way we can all grow. Our Father has a way of bringing forth his word for the salvation of mankind whether learned or not and through His ways. He causes the hearts of men to be stirred and brought forth to Him if they so desire. Its my sincerity that we desire and that is our ultimate.
Say the truth and the truth Will set u free thanks bro
THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF complaints-by-ldslatter-day-saints ,complaints-by-ldslatter-day-saints(part2) and complains-by-mormons-on-facebook and complains-by-mormons-on-facebook(part2)