Monday 28 September 2015

What Would You Do?-Men And Women

A WhatsApp post caught my attention and it went like this. A wife asked her husband to drop her off at a friends house, 
where a wedding reception was taking place. 
He responded that he would be too busy throughout the day in the office, 
and gave her some money to use as taxi for transport. 
He left for the office. The wife took a Taxi to the wedding reception,
there she met a fine Girl and they got talking to each other. 
Soon they became friends. In the evening when everyone was leaving,
the Girl asked the Woman how she was going home. 
She replied that her husband was too busy in the office to pick her up so she would use a taxi.
The Girl responded; "My boyfriend brought me here and would be coming to pick me up.
I just spoke to him on the phone and he's on his way. 
Why don't you join me in his car and we would drop you at your house"The woman agreed.
A few minutes later, her husband's car arrived. 
The Girl jumped into the front passengers seat of the car and asked the Woman to sit at the backseat,
which she did confused and perturbed. Then the Girl introduced her new friend to her boyfriend. 
When the man turned around to greet the woman, he recognized her as his wife. Nothing much was said along the way. He dropped the wife at home first as planned and proceeded to drop the Girl at her house.........
The question now is: If you were the wife, what would you do when your husband returns home?
If you were the husband, what would you say to your wife when you return home.
If you ask me the husband should tell the truth when he gets home and say exactly why he did what he did and be ready to face the consequences of his mistakes.
And say if he wants to work on trying to fix that mess that is if it is even fixable.

Most people answered for the wife and said they would pretend that they do not know the so called boyfriend to the lady they met who is indeed their husband. They would ask them how they met and how long they have been together, just to get enough details.Then once they got to the house they would burn or throw out his clothes.Glad many said they would not take it out on the lady since she is clueless.But i know some women would take it out on the lady and harm her which is not fair.I know in such a situation some women would loss their temper and end up breaking the law.If your so called better half could do such a thing to you then he is not worth you breaking the law.You should always know your worth and love yourself enough to know no one is worth your freedom especially a lying cheating husband.

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