Thursday 24 December 2015

What Is The True Meaning Of Christmas ?-Christmas Is The Gift That Keeps Giving

Christmas means many things to many people.For some people it is a time to go on vacation far away from home.For others it is time to go home and spend time with family wherever they maybe.For others it is the time they shop until they drop.Others get new outfits and presents.For others it is all about eating and food.For others it is all about recreation activities like going to Movie Cinemas,Restaurants,Fan Parks and Clubs.For some they go down the road full of vices like over indulgence of alcohol. There are positive and negative things people get into during Christmas and people tend to forget the true meaning of Christmas.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ for people of the Christian faith.Though Jesus Christ was not born on December 25.This date was conveniently chosen to celebrate his birth.
Christmas is all about giving.Because of love God gave his son to come and save the world.Christmas is all about love and the best was to show love is by giving.

What can you give? 1.You can give food and clothing to the needy. 2.You can give time,you can take time to visit the homeless,sick and orphans. 3.You can offer money donations to help the poor,sick,orphan and the old and neglected members of the society. 4.You can take time to wish friends and family a Merry Christmas.Somethings may seem so simple but they go a long way and mean alot.The best things in life are free.

I remember last Christmas i sent Christmas messages to people i know and not even a single person sent a Christmas message back to me.I was shocked,disappointed and angry.I couldn't imagine what those people even thought because somethings are so simple and thoughtful and wouldn't cost you much just to say Merry Christmas back.It felt mean and thoughtless of these people cause sometimes silence speaks out loud and it says you are not that important to even reply your message.And i would shy away from wishing them a Merry Christmas just to spare myself that embarrassment."Once bitten twice shy i guess". 5.You can say a special prayer for your family, friends,the needy,the lonely,the sad,the abandoned,the broken hearted,the homeless,the lost and for the ones struggling with wars,instability and insecurity.Prayers can move mountains but cost you nothing but a sincere heart.

My sincere prayer comes from the song My grown up Christmas list and it is. " Not for myself but for a world in need No more lives torn apart That wars would never start And time would heal all hearts And everyone would have a friend And right would always win And love would never end, no"

So this Christmas and days to come,give,give and give.Spread the kindness of giving ,it is not must you give money but you can give time and attention to make others live happier.Your life will be richer and happier when you give.And the best thing about giving is that you earn treasures in heaven."For every good deed you do here on Earth you earn treasure in heaven".
"The hand that gives is better than the hand that receives".

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