Saturday 14 May 2016

Does The Group 3T Do Most Tours In Europe?-American Fans Want 3T To Tour In America Too.

The American boy band 3T whose group members are brothers Taj Jackson,Taryll Jackson and TJ Jackson formed in the nineties is huge in Europe than it is in America.This is ironical though ok because fans are fans despite where they are in the World.These guys come from a musical family you can say they grew up music.They hail from the famous musical family The Jacksons.

Tito Jackson brother to the king of pop Micheal Jackson is their dad.These guys seem to eat, breath and live music.Being an American boy band you would expect them to be bigger in America than in Europe but it is evident that they are bigger in Europe than in America.I do not know if this just happened naturally or is it that 3T promoted their music more in Europe than they did in America or anywhere else in the World.

Did they do an assessment of their fan base and concentrated on the area where they felt most love came from.Maybe they went with the demand and supply strategy.Or did 3T give America little concentration because music is a business like any other and if you do not push your product hard enough to a certain market it would not pick that much.

Or Americans just did not respond to 3T's music that much because the American market or rather audience is a tough one.Since the band 3T has made it bigger in Europe they do tour Europe the most ,i have not heard them tour anywhere else as much.

Up to date they do small tours in Europe.They never miss to do a show especially in Netherlands.Word is that they have a show this year in you've guessed it in Netherlands.It is ok as musicians to concentrate on where you get the most love.That is a wise move.

I am in Africa and can say 3T has some fans in Africa i can not tell how big they are but they are known in Africa.I know they have a fan base in Asian too.If you ask me 3T though are a band formed in the nineties are known Worldwide.Since 3T maybe have a show in the Netherlands later this year their American fans want them to tour America too.

Their American fans have even come up with a petition for people to sign here to get 3T to tour America.That is alot of love there ,i hope 3T will tour America too. Have they ever toured America?That is a question i do not know the answer to myself.Does 3T do most of their shows in Europe? The answer is an obvious YES!!!

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