Tuesday 24 May 2016

Is Kim Kardashian A Spy?-Iran's Bizarre Accusations That Kim Kardashian Is A Spy.

This is a major case of a What In The World.This accusation sounds bizarre and rather dum. When i heard that the Iran government is accusing Kim Kardashian of being a spy.I went back to the episodes where Kim is actually letting people know she is good in investigating.And she seemed real good at it and she has quiet few great skills up her sleeve.So the best and rather not intelligent thing that the Iran government can come up with is that Kim is a spy and is sending coded messages through her instagram.

Wow how smart it is just laughable.Through her suggestive pictures Kim is said to be sending coded messages to youth and women in Iran and she is corrupting them.Arrests have even been made on the people who seem to have been influenced by Kim on instagram. Talk about having nothing better to do and wasting government resources.A spokesman for the Organised Cyberspace Crimes Unit in Iran told Iran Wire.He believes the Instagram CEO is in cahoots with Kim and is paying her to bring her brand of provocative aesthetic to Iran.If you ask me Kim is just marketing herself and her brands the best way she knows.There is no hidden agenda or coded messages.

Kim's photos may not be the best influence on conservative societies and people.But it should not lead to exaggerated bizarre laughable accusations.I am a fan of Kim and sometimes to me she pushes the envelope.I know the things i like about Kim and the things i say OK its her life.She can do whatever she wants to do.Just because i like a celebrity i don't have to agree or like everything they do no disrespect.

Iran being a conservative society obviously see Kim's pictures as bad influence but they are taking this to extremes.They are making a mockery of themselves by blowing things out of proportion.Is Kim a spy as Iran says she is?Even a Kindergarten kid can answer that question better than a paranoid government.

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