"" "" "" Angellyrics Topics: 5 Looks That Make You Look Less Attractive.

Monday 29 May 2017

5 Looks That Make You Look Less Attractive.

Most people like to make themselves look more attractive.But some fail bad at doing so because of the looks that they pick.People pick looks because it is a trend or simply because they just like the look.Some people pick some looks because they want to look less attractive on purpose.Some just want to look edgy and command attention.Here are five looks that will make you look less attractive. 

1.The goatee 
The goatee style dates back to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.It represented an evil person. In media today also goatees have been used to designate an evil or morally questionable character.The goatee is facial hair or what is known as beard which is only present on the chin and around the mouth.The chic is shaved clean.The name goatee comes from the word goat.This is because goats have long beard on their chins.

This beard resembles the goatee look.Why would you want a style that a goat has.This look makes people who look at you think of a goat.And not to mention it does not look neat.It also makes one look old and unkept. This is a look that you would expect your grandfather to have.The goatee ages you or rather makes much much older than you initially are.It makes you look untidy and less attractive.

2.The Mohawk
The Mohawk which also referred to as a
Mohican is a hairstyle where both sides of the head are shaved,
leaving a strip of  longer hair in the center.There are many varieties
of Mohawks some only one side of the head is shaved which is known as
the side Mohawk.The Mohawk though being an edgy look it is a tough
look especially when the shaved part of the head is completely
shaved.Soft Mohawks make some people look better but the complete
shave off the side Mohawk look always make people look less
attractive.The most rough Mohawks are the spike Mohawks and
dreadlocks Mohawks.

These looks are really tough and result in one
looking edgy but less attractive.The Mohawk is a very ancient look
that was practiced by really tough communities to savage
communities.These communities did not care about looking
attractive.They only wanted to look tough.They also wanted to be
feared by other communities and so they had the Mohawk look.You need
to have very soft facial feature to be able to look attractive in a

3.Thin eyebrows
People love reshaping their eyebrows to achieve a good or rather
better look.Reshaping eyebrows can look wrong when done wrong.Few
people can pull off the thin eyebrow look.It maybe the thin eyebrow
look when your eyebrows are trimmed and shaped to look thin or the
complete shaving off the eyebrows and then using an eye-liner to draw
a thin eyebrow.This look increases the distance between your forehead
and eyebrows and also increases the distance between the your eyebrows
and eyelids.

It is never a good idea to do this.When drawing this thin
eyebrows it adds insult to injury when you use any other color than
brown like black,red,maroon,green.Some people use the most ridiculous
colors that makes you wonder when they looked in the mirror didn't
they get a fright.This look makes one look like they are making fun of

4.Permanent Tattoo Eyebrows
Tattoo eyebrows are exactly that tattoo eyebrows.One can get a tattoo
of an eyebrow in the exact place where the eyebrow is meant to be.The
eyebrow is completely shaved off and replaced by the tattoo
eyebrow.This is very sensitive because if it is wrongly done it will
make you look less attractive.You need an expert who will not mess up
your face.Since the tattoo eyebrows are permanent you will be stuck
with an awful look that you cannot hide since it is on your face.Well
done permanent eyebrow tattoos will obviously enhance ones look but if
wrongly done it will be a disaster that can not be covered up.The
color of the tattoo even if it is correctly done will affect the way
you look.

A natural color shade of black or brown will be great for permanent
eyebrows.People get green ink permanent eyebrow tattoos which is way
way out of natures neighborhood.Green color tattoo eyebrows will
make you look less attractive.Before getting permanent eyebrow tattoos
get the none permanent eyebrow tattoos.You need to see first how good
the tattoo artist who is to tattoo your permanent eyebrows is.And you
need to see how you will look with the tattoo eyebrows.Wrongly done
tattoo eyebrow will make you look less attractive.

5.Facial Tattoos
The face is the first thing people can see or identify you with.It is
very hard to hide your face unless you wear a nijab.Facial tattoos
unless it is a beauty mark have never made anyone look more
attractive.If you love your face and always working towards looking
more attractive stay away from facial tattoos.These range from tiny
tear drops to tattoos that cover quarter of the face to half or even
the full face.With facial tattoos the more tattoos you have the less
attractive you look.Facial tattoos make people look rough and tough
which is never an attractive look.

Just like facial tattoos in  body tattoos the fewer the better.Few
body tattoos make people maintain their nice looks.The more body
tattoos the less attractive one may get.People who have their entire
bodies covered in tattoos never look attractive more so if these
tattoos extend to their face.

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