"" "" "" Angellyrics Topics: Funny Tweets On The Hashtag My Secret Power On Twitter

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Funny Tweets On The Hashtag My Secret Power On Twitter

Making money disappear faster than the speed of light. #MySecretPower

#MySecretPower being invisible. At least in middle school. Not so much anymore. Unfortunately.

#MySecretPower turning chocolate cake into crumbs

#MySecretPower being able to keep a secret

#MySecretPower Shapeshifting into animals. -Everyone with Snapchat.

Getting BLOCKED without ever actually having a conversation with the person #MySecretPower

#MySecretPower is so secret I don’t even know what it is. pic.

#MySecretPower Making all of your credit cards disappear.

#MySecretPower is making food disappear. (Not so secret really)

#MySecretPower is convincing you to give me all your chocolate

#MySecretPower is being invisible at parties.

Hindsight #MySecretPower

#MySecretPower doesn’t work in Europe without an adapter.

#MySecretPower is the ability to do nothing all day but still be tired by 8pm.

I can piss people off without even trying!! #MySecretPower

#MySecretPower Is having enough gas to fly us to Mexico without a plane!

The ability to look you straight in the face and not hear a damn word you're saying #MySecretPower

#MySecretPower is converting a homophobic mother into a pride-flag buying, pflag attending, proud ally️🌈️🌈️🌈

#MySecretPower Sitting at my desk looking like I'm working.

The ability to remember song lyrics from the 80s, but I can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday.#MySecretPower

#MySecretPower . My tweets can only be retweeted by really good looking, smart people.

#MySecretPower some doors open for me at will.

#MySecretPower Running like The Flash when I need to use the toilet

#MySecretPower I can make people disappear by being awkward and weird. pic.twitter.com/0IJgz691hC

Can nap anytime, anywhere

#MySecretPower is napping
Give him a glass of Sauvignon Blanc and a beach and he transforms into a "draw me like one of your French girls" meme. #mysecretpower

#mysecretpower ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Repelling woman by being a sweet and good guy #MySecretPower

I can stop my hiccups by force of will.

I turn Applebottoms in Apricotbottoms. #MySecretPower

Mom says #mysecretpower is 2 melt hearts with a single look #boxerdog
#petslife #dogsoftwitter #pittsburgh
You never wondered how I was able to get those right-on-the-spot pictures? I knew in advance they were coming. #mysecretpower

What I know is that I have to prayer through....... #mysecretpower

If you ever need your spray bottle or soap/lotion dispenser rendered inoperable, hand it over. #mysecretpower

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