Tuesday 4 April 2023

AKA (Kiernan Forbes) The Best Dad To Daughter Kairo Forbes

AKA The Best Dad To His Daughter Kairo

South African rapper AKA(Kiernan Forbes) and DJ Zinhle's romantic relationship become public in 2014 and soon after they became proud parents to a baby girl named Kairo Olwethu Forbes in 2015. AKA from the start showed himself as the most loving and dedicated father to his daughter, consistently displaying his affection and support for her through his actions and social media posts.

He was a proud hands-on dad taking his responsibilities as a father seriously. His affection for his daughter Kairo who looks so much like her dad is evident in the pictures and videos shared on social media.

He never ran out of hugs and kisses for his adorable daughter. There is a video of him doing his daughters hair which is a really beautiful thing to see a father do for his daughter. Kairo brought out the best from her dad who admitted that she made him a better person. 

AKA has always put his daughter first and demonstrated his unwavering love for her. Though him and Kairo's mother were not in a relationship they managed to co-parent with lots of love for their daughter. Providing a happy and healthy upbringing for his daughter was the main goal.

This is an inspiration to parents that their children should come first and always feel loved.

AKA was the best dad to his daughter who always brought out the best of him. He gave Kairo her first flowers. He wanted to be the first man to give Kairo flowers. He was also over protective and said he wanted to be the only man who gives her flowers. This was a way of showing Kairo that she is loved and worthy of love. When a dad gives his daughter flowers , he is telling his daughter she should always know that she is always worth and she always deserves true love.

AKA shared an incredible bond with his daughter Kairo. He is indeed the best dad in the world for her. All daughters could use a dad like Kiernan and it will be a blessing for all dad's to be Kiernan. All children need all the love and affection from their parents.

Kairo never runs out of love and affection from her darling dad AKA.

She is also blessed to have her loving mother and close family and friends who love her dearly. And nothing can break such a beautiful and wonderful bond between a father and his daughter.

Below is a heartfelt message that Kairo's mum wrote for Kairo's dad AKA. She speaks of how incredible Kiernan was as a dad.

I am so sorry that you have been robbed of your time with your daughter, with @nadianakai, Steffan, your mom @lynnforbesza , dad and all of us. I would give anything for Kairo to have more time with you Kiernan. The thought of her asking questions breaks me. What do I do when she misses and needs you?

Please watch over her and plead with The Almighty to guide Bongani @murdahbongz and I as we raise our daughter.

The last time I saw you, you told me how proud you are of us and how well we were co-parenting, we had come a long way and even though it challenged a lot of people in how well we co-parented. It was never about society or us, it was always about our daughter and what was best for her.

We quickly learnt that our differences would not be a burden for our daughter, our past mistakes could not deprive our daughter of a happy childhood with love from both mom and dad. I am so glad we figured it out, it’s as if we knew you would not be around long enough. Thank you for loving her the way you did.

We will continue to do what’s best for her, we will raise her in a loving environment that encourages forgiveness, one that is deeply rooted in the great spirit of being a family…over everything else. We are all responsible for her happiness now, my family and yours will pull together to make sure she is the happiest girl in the world...exactly how you always made her feel.

Good night Kiernan. You told me God is in control, I will hold on to these words as we piece together the pieces of our shattered hearts. We will comfort and love Nadia, she is family now. God bless you.

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