Sunday, 2 November 2014

Miley Cyrus Is It A Case Of Good Girl Gone Bad

 I remember watching Hannah Montana and never would i ever imagined that little girl would grow up to be the woman she is. There was no hint of Miley Cyrus being a bad girl.With her innocent cute baby face i cant help but still love her. 

I do not know why she does what she does but i cant help but wander.Was she always a bad girl because Hannah Montana is obviously a television character or is it the pressure of always being a good kid that Disney needs its television actors to uphold that made this girl flip.Or maybe she did not get enough time to be herself or to just be a normal kid.

I hope this is just a phase or maybe a show to get her rates up.If that is the case then its worked cause she is the most googled person of late.With all the tweerking and tongue out of her mouth.She has made great music which would still sell as much if she did not do all that.At the end of the day i love Miley Cyrus and just wish her all the best.

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