Saturday, 14 March 2015

5 Things That Have Changed Between Men And Women In This Modern Days

Someone said that this days men seem to want to be women and women want to be men.This statement sounds so funny.The reason for this statement is because apparently men like doing feminine things and women like doing masculine things.I do not think the statement that men want to be women and women want to be men quiet fits because that may not be the case.Some men love wearing women's clothes and makeup and like behaving like women,those are called cross dresser.For some of them it is just a preference.Some men love make up and nail polish mostly clear nail polish.Which just mean this men like taking extra care of themselves and also love fashion.Men do get manicures and pedicures which does not mean they want to be women but just means they like to be pampered too.

There are men who like cooking and even turn that into a career and they are quiet good at it.This does not mean they want to be women.They are just doing something that they are passionate about.Some men just like cleaning the house taking care of kids,some pick careers that are labelled as feminine like receptionists,secretarial,nursing,hairdressing, nanny and baby sitting .Which does not mean they want to be women they are just picking a job.

Some women work as truckdrivers,CEOs,managers,electricians,engineers, construction workers.Since those are labelled as masculine jobs it should not mean women picking these jobs want to be men.They are just going for what they are passionate about.The amazing thing is that men seem to be so good at the so called feminine jobs.And women seem to be so good at the so called masculine jobs.And that is a good thing.Do you feel the same way as i do?

photos from

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