Monday, 27 July 2015

An Obama's Visit-What Happens When Obama Is In Town

HISTORY WAS MADE History was made right when the plane carrying the president touched down at the airport minutes before the estimated time that was announced that President Obama's aircraft The Air Force One was expected to be touching down.Everybody was waiting in anticipation to watch President Obama arrive and finally it happened and he walked out or rather it looked like a jog down the aircraft staircase.His body language very cool with swag and laid back.He met a little girl down the staircase who handed him a bouquet of flowers.He took the bouquet and spoke with the little girl,gave her a hug and took afew pictures with her.He then said hello to the President and top Kenyan officials who were there.He also said hello to the President of Kenya's son and finally he hugged his step sister Auma Obama who was there too.He signed the guest book at the airport and then left in his official car the beast together with his step sister Auma Obama which showed the warm and loving image Obama always represents.

History was made because this is the first sitting President of America to visit Kenya.And it is an honour that he has his roots in Kenya and so this is his home too.It was great to see the Air force one,his entourage and the secret service.On his first night President Obama had dinner with his Kenyan family at the hotel Villa Rosa Kempinski. The next day he opened the 6th Global Entrepreneur Summit. President Barack Obama started with Swahili greetings(Good morning,Jambo,niaje wasee,poa,hawayuni) and he spoke of his Kenyan roots.He also spoke of Africa being on the move and should be a hub of entrepreneurship and Kenya is leading this.He opened the summit together with The President of Kenya.He later laid a wreath at the American Embassy Bomb Blast Memorial park.He later had bi-lateral talks between Kenya and the American Government at the Nairobi State House and had a press conference thereafter.The two Presidents let the Nation know what they discussed and 
their agreements and disagreements.
And later that evening had a dinner hosted by The President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta and Kenya's First Lady at the same venue with Kenyan dignitaries and his half sister Auma Obama.He had a dance with the amazing Kenyan boy band Sauti Sol together with his sister,our President and The first lady of Kenya.This dancing was quiet a site that was great to see.

On Sunday President Obama and his half sister Auma gave a speeches at Kasarani Indoor Arena to a packed crowd of more than 5,000 people, Obama then headed to the campus of Kenyatta University (KU).
The reason for the visit to Kenyatta University was for him to open the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI). The YALI program is meant to train leaders, increase support for entrepreneurship and to foster networking and professional development. The program is to further assist young people to connect with capital. Obama also had a brief meeting with leaders from Kenyan civil society,where he gave them advice.He later was airlifted to The Jomo Kenyatta International Airport were he departed afew minutes after four in the Afternoon headed for Addis Ababa Ethiopia for talks.

People of the City of Nairobi opted to stay home due to the closing down of major roads which President Obama was to use because the traffic jams to be experienced would have been unbearable.Law courts were closed and so were banks.Mobile money transfer services were closed down for security reasons.All communication services like the Internet and mobile signals jammed within a radius of where President Obama was passing.

HEAVY SECURITY PRESENCE I had never seen that many security people in the City Centre. Some were Kenyan while others were the American Secret Service who took over the security of the City.
OBAMA NEWS All over the news it was only about Obama.I must say i got to know him well during and before his visit.
TOURISM BOOST There was a record of increased visits to Kenya in general by tourists.Obama's visit was a vote of confidence that Kenya is safe enough for tourists to visit.
CITY FACE LIFT The City of Nairobi got a much needed face lift.Though it was hilarious because normal grass was to grow in a matter of days,the city was made better and we hope that the face lift is here for good.

ALL EYES ON KENYA With President Obama's visit to Kenya all eyes where on Kenya and hopefully this puts Kenya on the map positively.

HOPEFULLY BETTER IDEAS AND TRADE AGREEMENTS With the bilateral talks and The Global entrepreneur Summit hopefully is to bring more investments and entrepreneurship to Kenya and Africa in general.

President Obama came to his homeland Kenya to a heart felt rock star reception,Obama came with a ray of hope and so much good advice for the Kenyan Government and the people of Kenya.Which is hopefully will bring a much need change to Kenya and Africa in general..

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