Friday, 3 July 2015

President Mugabe To Ask President Obama For Hand In Marriage-Funny

President Barack Obama has passed laws that allow gay marriages and this seems to have really offended the President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe.This is just funny because President Mugabe said he will personally fly to America and go to President Obama get on one knee and ask for Obama's hand in marriage.President Mugabe does not support President Obamas decisions because he is against gayism. He even said he would only legalise gay marriage in Zimbabwe when gay people can procreate.This looks like a case of looking at a persons backyard that has just afew leaves and protesting that they need to clean up ,when your back yard is full of never ending heaps of leaves.

It is sad that many people in Zimbabwe live below the poverty line and this looks like a never ending cycle.And their President lives an amazing life, where he can have a birthday party worth millions, where elephants are slaughter for the feast.If you would ask anyone which country they would rather live in between Zimbabwe and America.I bet they would pick the country which starts with the first letter of alphabet rather than the one that's starts with the last letter of alphabet.

Zimbabwe is a beautiful African country but life there is hard and tough.Africa is a beautiful continent full of potential but African leaders are the ones letting the continent down.I cannot wait to see President Mugabe take a plane to America and head to The White House to get on one knee to ask for President Obamas hand in marriage.That would be epic and funny,one can only imagine President Obama's reaction to this lol. Maybe President Obama's answer would be"though i am very flattered kind sir,i am taken and you are certainly not my type" lol.

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