Monday, 7 December 2015

Was Fox News Network Wrong About Popes Visit To Africa?-The Pope Was Not Visiting War Torn Africa.

Fox News reported that The Pope was visiting Africa.That was true but they said he was visiting war torn Africa.This headline was not a shock coming from a known to be squared News Network.It is sad to see this was the picture Fox News was painting of Popes visit to Africa.Behind picket fences they can taint the face of Africa because they are reporting from an ignorant point of view.This was a huge failure for such a huge American News Network.I think they can afford to get an Africa News Correspondent to give them the true facts instead of telling stories to make themselves seem so informative.When what they are doing is spreading ignorance and false news.

Pope Fransis was visiting three African Countries Kenya,Uganda and Central African Republic.Africa is not war torn,just afew countries may be at war but that does not mean Africa is worn torn.The Pope visiting Africa was a sign of equality to all people of the World because no one is better or superior.The Popes visit to Africa was him acting as representative of God to preach on equality and corruption which is a worldwide vice.He came to pray for Africa which does not make Africa a dark continent because the whole World needs prayers.And Fox News also needs prayers lol. Pope Fancis is also a climate change ambassador he did talk about Climate Change and how we should all play a role in taking care of this World we live in.

Being The Leader of The Vatican State Pope Francis had bilateral talks with The President of Kenya.Pope Francis also spoke of good leadership and the importance of ending corruption.He mostly preached The Gospel of Jesus that brings love,hope,humility and equality.He did conduct a historical and his first mass in Africa and prayers in Kenya.He went to Uganda to recognise the Ugandan martyrs who were killed along time ago because they did not denounce their Christian faith and conducted mass there.His visit to Central Republic of Africa was to promote religious unity, love and freedom of worship.He even visited a Mosque there as a sign of love because we are all brothers and sisters.

People were so disappointed with Fox News because The Pope's visit to Africa was a visit of hope and equality but they had to paint a bad picture of Africa.People came up with the hash tag #SomeonepleasetellFoxNew,for me i would say get your facts straight first before reporting news.Africa is a Continent with 54 Countries and maybe less than five of these countries are unstable.And so Africa is not war torn like you say it is.We are just fine and pray that God keeps blessing us with love,peace and prosperity as the rest of the other Continents which are blessed with the same.

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