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Monday, 24 October 2016
How Can Kenyans Get Good Leadership?-Kenyans Should Stop Being Sycophants
I do not believe Kenya has ever had great leadership because in Kenya being in leadership seems like a popularity contest.And this popularity contest is not for the better good of most but just for a handful.Kenya is full of potential but poor leadership is frustrating its potential.Leaders want to get into power and after that lots of money is unaccounted for.Corruption after corruption and no one is accountable.Money stolen is never returned and no one goes to jail.
Ok,the only thing you hear is resigning or getting fired of people involved in these scandalous stealing.But these people move on to other positions or their personal businesses.They walk away with tax payers money.Everyone in Kenya is paying for corruption.Everything Kenyans buy is highly taxed to pay for lavish lifestyles of people in power,if that is not enough their is alot of stealing done.Yet the same leaders are voted into power time and time again.
1.Salaries of people in power are super high and still they have to steal public funds. 2.Lack of accountability where no one pays for corruption. 3.Leaders empty promises and only look out for their own interest. 4.Kenyans being sycophants and just voting for leaders because they are funs for no solid reason.People just vote in leaders because they are fans.They vote them in not because they bring change or will work for the people. Kenyans should learn to love themselves first because that leader wont put food on their table.Infact you are the ones who will put a big fat meal on their table while you dont get enough meals.
Being a sycophant is the worst thing you can be by voting in people because they are the same tribe as you are or are popular in your eyes.
People should vote in leaders who bring change and work for the people but not for themselves and their cartels. Vote for leaders who have not been tangled up in corruption.A zebra will never change its stripes. The huge salaries that are being paid should be deducted.That is the only way you will get to see the real from the fake.Everyone fights for leadership because that is a guarantee for a large and fat salary plus allowances.And you are free to also steal public funds because the posiblities are endless.And guess what you will be above the law so no accountability for your royal self.
Kenyans should stop being sycophants and vote for leaders who: 1.Respect the law and know that they should follow it.Leaders who do not steal and misuse public funds and for ridiculus reasons. 2.Lead by example and be accountable. 3.Leaders who are willing to have their salaries reduced because they are too high.Leaders who are not greedy 4.Leaders who bring change not with their mouths but with their actions.Leaders who bring change and development to the country.
Because Kenyans are sycophants we have a government that has steals public funds.They have beat any record of corruption in the history of Kenya.By the way adding more people into the government was not such a great idea.Because these made corruption to sky rocket.The most annoying people being the MCA's who have crazy budgets and demands. We have seen Governors who have the nerve of showing crazy budgets costing millions to purchase cheap things and shamelessy lie about it.Such people should be out of office as fast as their silly lies. The situation is just ridiculous and seems like a circus.Kenyans should just stop being sycophants for their own good.A good leader is transparent ,accountable and respects the rule of law and is not above the law.
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