Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Complains by Mormons on Facebook about the ways things are ran in Mormon Church in Kenya

The following are complains by Mormons on facebook about the ways things are ran in Mormon church in Kenya in Africa.These are not my posts so i am not liable or accountable for what is said.

The worst criticism on you could bring the best of you, toes have been stepped on and reactions have been normal. ....some have proposed legal suit in this time and age of advanced understanding of many things that if safeguarded with humility could lead repairing of all things. To some, church employment is all in their eternal goal plan and to some it's beyond the normal. I am aware that when it all started, it was about them them and we we and its normal to imagine that it won't touch on our own them. When it happens then we question our involvement in the whole scenario. To some we don't want to feature in change because for now we are sorted with one of us in them,them...we feel others should go to the gates of PEF and open sesame, it is well. Ours is pursuit for those that have felt betrayed to come back and build that which we started and sold in 
exchange for our birth right.

To some, others are to be statistics and to us, it's a reminder that we all are workers in the Kingdom and putting time because the labourers are few. I have spoken about those many that feel aggrieved in the matter and my heart goes out to them with a solemn prayer for their kiln time, for we are called to Marvellous work and and wonder. Today I want us to mention those that we wish were here to help us grow and work with us to the awakening of Zion. ......,......,......,.......,...... and many that have gone through our hands as we chip into we we. We must rise above all for when we commend unjust, sooner or later it might change lanes. It is my sincere hope that these men and women are at peace and purpose for their contribution to the hope of betterment of all of us.

The cartels at the hill can't step a side, they can't comment here, they want the status quo...REASON their mouths are full and busy chewing the sacred funds

Twanzishe church yetu bro,lenga hiyo stress.....(lets start our own church,leave that stress)

If one man calls you a donkey,ignore him, if another calls you a donkey, take note, if a 3rd calls you a donkey,buy thee a saddle.# If most people are mentioning this same problem of corruption and Favouritism, it obviously is a problem and the Leadership needs to stop burying their heads in the sand like the proverbial Ostrich

This is a continuation of complaints-by-ldslatter-day-saints and complaints-by-ldslatter-day-saintspart2

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